You may notice a new poll in the sidebar, I've put it up for a month to gauge what you think of cross stitch. Vogart put out a lot of cross stitch patterns, which I'm rather fond of, but I'm not sure if stitchy folks out there share my opinion - do you like cross stitch or not? What do you think?
Another issue I'd like your opinion on...people selling photocopies of their patterns. Recently on e-bay I was bidding on the original of one of my Vogart wishlist patterns, the auction was due to end, I went to bed and asked Mr Stitchy Britches (the night owl) to keep an eye on it, and bid for me. He forgot about it, and so wanting to keep Stitchy-me happy (bless him!), tried to find another copy on e-bay. He came across a "buy it now" one and thought, "bonus, here's one for her", and bought it. The next day he told me, I wasn't too fussed on missing out (as these Vogart patterns seem to be like buses) - "thank you", said I, "but oh, is it an original or a copy?" He looked at me somewhat blankly and then checked out what he'd bought. He was dismayed to find he'd spent money on a photocopy, and not realised. I said, that's fine, I can still stitch it, so all good. (The auction did clearly state it was a photocopy, by the way.)
But, what do you think of this? I'm happy to support people that reprint transfers that you can iron on and use, but somehow, to me, charging money for a photocopy seems a bit wrong. I know it's free enterprise etc, but I don't operate that way, so it doesn't sit well with me.
Any thoughts?
I personally wouldn't buy a photocopy and I think selling them is tacky. I love how you and others freely share online and if I buy I'd want to buy the original or the patterns created into new iron-ons.
This xmas I got so frustrated trying to get certain transfers on ebay that I went ahead and purchased a bunch of hard {for me} to find ones as photocopies & told the guy they were a xmas present to me from him! I was able to get them digitally and therefore saved on shipping. I start so many of my projects on the computer to resize or combine designs that for me it was worth it to have someone remove the finding & scanning steps. I find ebay so frustrating I just couldn't take it anymore and finding them at sales or the like is just so hit & miss {I'm slightly impatient}. For me it was just the right decision. I don't feel that overwhelming compulsion to add to my collection anymore and am instead now focusing on getting it digitized so I can reduce the amount of physical stuff I have. This is an interesting topic - I will be curious to see what other people's thoughts are!
{I just wanted to add that I don't post free samples of the ones that I purchased as photocopies on my blog - the patterns I provide are from only original transfers that I scan in myself.}
Whether I'd buy a photocopy of a pattern probably depends on how much I want the pattern, and it would definitely have to be unavailable any other way.
I don't think I object too strongly to people offering photocopies for sale, because in a way it's still making available a pattern that's otherwise out of print. Then again, they could just scan it and put it online for free like everyone else does. Hmmm, maybe I do object – it's not as if they're adding value.
(If I keep following this train thought, I'm going to end up needing to know what they use the proceeds of the sale for, and then I'll be forced to make a judgement about their personal circumstances and whether I deem their need worthy and... I can't cope with the moral quagmire!)
Oh, I also like cross stitch. :)
Firstly NO to cross stitch. I just don't 'get' it. I like a lot of the patterns available but just stitching xxxxxx is borrrring.
Buying a photocopy of a transfer is fine if thats all you can get but selling it is really a cheapass thing to do considering the amount of lovely people that share them in their blogs for free or sell originals.
I went back and forth on this topic for a long time - at one time I was thinking of selling PDF files of my Vogart transfers, because I get so many requests from people on VTF who think I sell my patterns... I didn't because I thought of the amount of work involved and thought, "nah.." :)
After a lot of thought I don't see any harm in people selling photocopies of uncopyrighted patterns on Ebay. These designs were mass-produced, back in the day, anyway, and as long as they're not infringing on anybody's copyright I think it's ok.
Of course I wouldn't appreciate anyone selling the designs I offer for free, which is the main reason I won't scan an entire envelope.
I love the idea of bloggers collectively creating a "free archive" of vintage patterns on our blogs - but ultimately I wouldn't judge someone for finding a profitable way to share their patterns...
p.s. Bring on the cross stitch!! :D
Ugh, I think it is extremely tacky to see photocopies on Ebay, especially for the prices I've seen the sellers charging. All of the ones I've seen don't cost much less than the reprints and originals that are available. I guess it just doesn't jive with me to create a copy that probably cost you 10 cents, only to turn around and charge $5.99 for it. I understand that a person's time is worth something, but the mark up seems ridiculous. I love the reprinted iron-ons from Patternbee, etc. because I'd much rather stamp a design than have to trace it first.
As for cross stitch - I love stamped cross stitch in small doses. If it's mixed in with other stitches, I'm on board. Counted cross stitch makes me tense instead of relaxed. Reading detailed charts knocks some of the joy out of embroidering for me.
I once bought a photo copy of a design from eBay but it kind of does bug me that people are making money off of copies. I love that you and others share their vintage patterns. But I'm also glad you can buy new transfers of old patterns like the ones from Pattern Bee and Primrose Design. I don't have any problem paying for them. As for cross stitch, did Vogart put out counted x-stitch charts? I would love to see those.
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