Wednesday, March 5, 2008


My Word Book page, originally uploaded by Comfy & Cosy.

I just came across this picture on Flickr, from a vintage children's book: My Word Book 5, 1966 (Printed by W L Hawes, Government Printer, Adelaide).
I think it would look great as a stitched sampler for a kid's room.


Heather said...

oh CUTE! I like your idea, I'm imagining cream muslin with a batting back for the design looks quilted!!!

Arkerchi said...

Hi, am starting out on embroidery with lots of DMC threads. May I ask, do i use one strand or all 6 strands?


Drewzel said...

Arkerchi, it depends on the effect you want to achieve, and what's easiest for you to work with.
If you're stitching a basic outline design, you can use all 6, and it will have a very bold effect. As a rule of thumb, I usually divide my thread into 3 strands, as it gives good coverage of your outline without being too bulky. And if I'm doing fine outlines on things, I'll just use 1 strand.

Have you had a look at the Feeling Stitchy website? (the link is in my sidebar) They have links to great tutorials and stitching tips.

Good luck! Can't wait to see your stitching!