Here's one that's been stitched, by a lovely gal at Brown Owls last Monday:

Here's one that's been stitched, by a lovely gal at Brown Owls last Monday:
Click on the picture to go to Flickr and get sizes for printing.
Given the fact that I've been neglecting my scanning lately, when I find something cute and stitchy in my Interweb travels I have to share with you. Two cuties to stitch, from a vintage colouring book, courtesy of Playing with Brushes' Flickr.
I came across these on Flickr today and thought "tea towels!"
The caption from the Flickr owner reads: "Illustration from the "Coloring Fun" feature "Let's Bake a Cake", Humpty Dumpty's magazine January 1958. Illustrated by Dave Lyons.
Print these on plain white stock and Crayola your brains out!"
...so I think he wouldn't mind us stitching them either?
From the same photostream as the last pic, how cute would this one look embroidered up? Circa 1970's.
How wonderful is this? I found this pic on Vintage Love's Flickr.
I must apologise for the lack of posts of late, having to take down all the Vogart ones knocked the wind out of my sails, so to speak, but I'll be back soon with some cute patterns!
I love everything about this bag, the colours, the embroidery, the design choice.
I scanned this one, because I saw it blogged the other week with a different cover, I'll find the link and add it in here. Update : - it was Claudia's blog, the patterns are here.
So much stitching goodness! Click on the photo for a closer look. And I shamefully admit I haven't even started yet.
Another example of Stitch-along beauty! I know this might sound silly, but this one looks so "juicy", it's making me drool!
Look at one of the beautiful pieces I found on flickr today for the Embroidery group stitch-along. Blogged at www.ruffledfeathers.typepad.com.
Today's transfers are a recent op-shop (aka thrift store) find. A pack of Hobbytex iron-on transfers, simply marked "No. 302 children designs". They were wrapped up in a plastic bag when I bought them, so I couldn't check what was in there until I got it home, and lo and behold:
More Vogart - a sheet of "Jolly Farmyard Scenes" (aka Vogart 705) and a mixture of kitty and doggy patterns from Vogart 102 and the days of the week kitties. Does anyone know how Vogart patterns ended up being licensed to Hobbytex and Made in Australia*? I know Vogart used to make fabric paint at one stage too... I might have to go a-Google-ing Hobbytex.
I think there's a sheet missing from the pack as the other sheets are marked B, C and D. The third sheet I have I'm guessing is a Hobbytex original, as I've never seen it before, and the designs defintely seem to be geared towards fabric painting rather than embroidery. I like the designs though, they're good and "boyish": sailboats, racing cars, a rodeo rider and an assortment of old aeroplanes.
So if the wee boys in your life don't want a kitteh or a doggie, then I think this Spitfire-like fighter plane is the way to go!
*(..as the patterns proclaim. I like seeing "Made in Australia" on things.)
These darling designs are quick and easy to sew, and a choice of gay, bright colours will make your towels come alive and add fun to your modern kitchen. Children will love their own towels stitched with Miss Kitten and her friends, and a set will make washing hands no longer a chore! Just stitch these designs and instantly you will become more attractive, and they will bring good fortune and friends into your life. Your home will be beautiful, your children, beaming with health, rosy cheeked and perfectly scrubbed and well behaved, and your husband will cherish the perfect homemaker that he married.
This pattern combines applique, embroidery and cross stitch, so it's definitely worth giving a go, if you're not a cross stitcher, as the "zany" placement of the text is very forgiving for a beginning stitcher. I'll add "sing for your supper" later, as I think that's the sweetest, but in the meantime, here's "too many cooks". I can relate to this one, as Mr Stitchy is the chef of our household, so much so that when I'm cooking, he can't help himself from pottering around next to me and keeping an eye on what I'm doing. And yes, if you're curious, my stitching is much better than my cooking!
" Simple embroidery" from "our new and exciting Needlework book for 1956!"
"So simple, a child could do these embroidery stitches!" "Dozens of other designs to order, all easy, fascinating hand-work!"
You know, I'm willing to part with my 25 cents for my copy of "this wonderful book" right now!
Alas, I think I'd get a "Dear Crazy Person" reply to my letter, if indeed The Daily Review is still at that address in New York. In the meantime, let's enjoy the birdies and rosies and whiskers on kittens...
What cheers you up, by the way? Leave me a comment on this post by the end of the week (Friday that is), and I'll pick someone at random for a stitchy pressie suprise!